Saturday, 16 June 2007

The Aftermath of the Adventures at IMM

The adventures at IMM finally ended last Thursday! We didn't actually reach the final target, but it was really close... Oh well, we did our best and were quite satisfied with the final turn out. Definitely a rewarding 2 weeks experience - got to learn new skills, made new friends & know them all better, worked with great and fun people, interacted with strangers in a good way (including with kids, lolz). I definitely have gained more things now to be carried through my future endeavours (pardon me if this sentence don't make much sense, because I myself don't know how to express it, meheheheee~).

Of course I've got the chance to take a few pictures when we worked there, kekeke.... So here they are:

Us at work

The 'forever-modified' banner

An admin table, just for moi =D

Some shots taken using my laptop ^_^;

The latest form of the modified banner XD

The crew~

And thus from Monday onwards, we'll be back working in the office to transcribe all of the voice samples that we've collected. Will it be fun? Will it be boring? Gonna find out soon enough ^_^

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